Hello! I'm Courtney Fantinato
I’m an email developer & marketer located in beautiful Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
My thoughts on web, email, and related topics.
Custom HubSpot Email Template
If you’re an email developer using HubSpot, you probably know there are a few ways to create emails on the platform. One of the easiest ways is using their drag-and-drop builder, where you can drag elements into the email and reorder…
Correcting Outlook DPI Scaling Issues
Outlook DPI scaling is one of the most common problems encountered when developing emails and supporting Outlook (alongside the 1px horizontal line issue). The severity of impact caused by DPI scaling depends on…
Background Images & Samsung Email App
Samsung is one of the most popular mobile device brands out there today, so it’s no surprise that we should support it when developing emails. It has its own native email app that comes pre-installed. This year I was able to…